Fishing Reports
The east river
The East River begins above Gothic and flows south around the backside of Crested Butte mountain and continues through the Roaring Judy fish hatchery to it’s meeting with the Taylor. The river is mostly private but the stretches of public water are well worth the effort to access.
The East river flows through the hatchery property where it is classified as wild trout water and has some special regulations that you should familiarize yourself with (see the current state fishing regulations) .
This is a great fishery even though there are lots of people fishing the ponds that hold plenty of fish. Plenty of public water is available from the backside of the mountain north into the Gothic valley.
The Gunnison is currently cranking at 2200cfs through town and fishing is restricted "safely anyway" to the edges. We've had good success sinking large Rubber Legs and stone flies, along with SJ worms. I like big jigged stones with a...
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