Gunnison valley fishing continues to be on fire!

Flows have dropped considerably and our summer pattern of great days on the water continue! Stonefly nymphs and dries along with caddis are predominant on the lower Gunnison above Blue Mesa Reservoir, don't forget to swing those soft hackles for exciting strikes . Nymphing is the ticket below Almont into the whitewater park. Hoppers like the fat albert and chubby's are also getting takes close to the bank and in the eddies. Various stonefly patterns and perdigons are the sub-surface choices. Don't forget those streamers as the days turn cloudy!!
Keep your eyes peeled for size 12 Green Drakes on the Taylor and East rivers. Make sure and have a few drake nymphs as they may be a better choice if the fish aren't looking up.
Now is the time to start watching afternoon temp. on the smaller creeks, especially on days without any afternoon showers. Once you hit 65 degrees it's time to move or go relax and enjoy a beverage.